Is sustainability something that your service is working on? We know what that's like! Quite a number of years ago now, Nic and Tash were working together in a long day care service and had a vision for a place that was more sustainable. Often when we think about sustainability, we think of worm farms and recycling. But there is far more to consider.
We developed this tool as a way for our service (and now - after many reviews!) other services, to reflect on their current practices in relation to sustainability in a variety of areas including:
1. The Service Culture
2. The Indoor Environment
3. Sustainable Administration
4. The Outdoor Environment
5. Sustainable Educators
6. Sustainable Cleaning
7. Utilities (Electricity, Water etc.)
8. A Sustainable Approach to Learning
9. Healthy bodies, healthy Earth
10. Sustainable Communities
11. Animals, Wildlife and Sustainability
Our hope is that you will work through the document and begin to implement change that leads to a more sustainable planet.
Please note that this is a digital download. When you purchase the tool, you will be prompted to download a PDF file, which you are then able to print (on recycled paper!)